>>20239956Free will is the function of a soul.
Everyone has one...it forms in early childhood as you start to learn to speak and communicate.
The thing is that you can lose your soul. It can become weak...atrophied...and eventually you are nothing more than an automaton animated by neurotransmitters.
How does one's soul become weak? By not asserting yourself. By having your thoughts and actions come from external things....by giving up yourself to be part of the many. By shutting out what you know to be true so that you can go along with comforting lies of the masses.
And you're wrong about good and evil. Evil...objective, real, and motivated evil does exist and it has goals that it achieves.
I have seen it. You have seen it. It is part of every day life and as you can guess it seeks to rob you of your soul in exchange for an easy life as a beast.
I am not talking about heavens or hells or afterlives. I am talking about the divine spark of true consciousness. That which is truly you.
And I am telling you that you can die while your body remains alive....many people have..many people you interact with have...