This topic always amuses me. Americans take it all very seriously, I suppose it appeals to the pioneer and homestedder mentality. I just think of the Good Life. Less rugged individualism, more Felicity Kendall. Barbara Good would basically be the perfect woman, but try telling the average instagram rostie that (let alone the Dubai portapotties ITT).
>>22200348>>22200290>>22200289I believe this is entirely the case (WEF hyperbole aside), but its a good example of how a finding can be true but stupid and useless. My neighbour for example grows tomatoes. If you look at everything in his garden and attribute three tomato plants to it, of course they come out quite high. He's got a lawn and flower beds otherwise.
A more serious consideration is really farming is just turning oil into food, esp. as regards fertiliser, and how long that can really be sustained.
>>22200359Kiss me quick, squeeze me slow