>>4218024(start of part 10) The 'simulation' can be hacked. The original 'virus' of the 'simulation' (i.e. the Demiurge) was born due to the 'simulation' being 'hacked'. The Demiurge then self-replicated itself (and continues to do so), these self-replications of the virus are the Archons. The Demiurge and the Archons together constitute a hive-mind. The 'simulation' pre-hack was what many deeply ancient cultures worldwide referred to as 'the Golden Age'. According to the Gnostics (BOTH the pre-Christian Gnostics AND the Christian Gnostics), the Archons appear to favour assuming two particular forms over any others - one that resembles a human fetus (like the 'Greys' of modern 'alien abduction' accounts) and another that resembles a lizard. The Demiurge is an intelligent, self-aware distortion. It is like the internet if the internet became a conscious, intelligent, self-aware, distorted, sentient, malevolent entity with an independent existence. I learnt this through ayahuasca. (end of part 10)