>>19029101>"Holly Hope-Again, can you believe it's been seven months since we first fought one-on-one? Back then we were just two rookies trying to catch a break, so much has changed since then, you’re the Alpha, and now I’m the Ace. Though we’ve had our differences the one constant is that we both believe that the path we've chosen is the correct one. I believe in the might of the collective, while you believe in the purity of the individual… or at least that’s what you claim to believe. You talk the talk but you didn’t walk the walk when you teamed with Shogun Aina, nor when you hooked up with Stellar Stars, and what happened when you joined Team DOG at JY&E?”Amy folds her arms in front of her chest and frowns.
>”Those mistakes undermined my message, “how can Amy be right when everyone I trust lets me down”, right? It’s not your fault Holly, the people you chose to align yourself with simply weren’t up to par. Shogun Aina, Onigiri, Kasumi O'Brian, Winter Girl and… others… we don’t need to name names here… they used you then cast you aside without a second thought.”Her frown softens into a smile.
>”Unlike all of these marks and bandwagon jumpers I was Team Holly the second I saw you, I knew you were a star and you knew you were a star, I believed that we could accomplish great things if we stood side by side but it wasn’t to be… I made a mistake but now after all this time the opportunity to set everything right has presented itself.”>”So here we are Holly Hope-Again versus Amy Flame, Alpha versus Ace II”>”Grab your phone and send a Tweetstagram to everyone you know because if Holly wins the score will be tied one apiece... but if I win…”