>>11619269>demoralization thread trying to get people to kill themselves.Surely GOD won't judge you for such things OP!
You are brainwashed.
You are in a religion you don't recognize. Your mind is very noisy. Are you ever quiet or do you hear a song? Some clip of a movie, do you only think of pop culture, comedia youtubes? Can you even sit STILL with quiet?
Why do you require so much MEDITATION AND MINDFULLNESS
You have poisoned your soul, your mind, which rests in your HEART and you need PILLS TO COVER THIS UP
This is SADNESS, this is not good, you are a created being of love and joy, THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING, and it doesn't need to!
You were created for worship of a divine being of Love, who is God, who came to earth as human to bring us BACK to God. Return to God, who loves you, the prodigal son who 'went to a far away land' and 'spent all his wares' and finally, 'he came back to himself' and he woke up.
Woke up, and came back, and his Father was not mad, He rejoiced in Him, because we can better measure the ocean with a cup then FATHOM the Love our Lord and Savior God Christ Jesus has for us.
'God I don't believe in you, help me and forgive me'
Repeat for a week, try to be nice to other people, and see if God speaks to you.