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“I don’t like your point, so I’ll attack you personally” approach—truly the hallmark of intellectual depth! To all the geniuses who’ve chimed in with their carefully crafted strawman arguments, you’ve truly outdone yourselves. I must commend your skill in completely ignoring the actual topic at hand and instead opting for well-rehearsed attacks on the messenger. What an admirable distraction tactic!
Let’s not forget the masterclass in ad hominem reasoning—because why bother engaging with ideas when it’s so much easier to dismiss them by questioning the character of the person who presents them? The logic is flawless: “I disagree with you, so you must be unworthy of consideration.” 10/10 reasoning!
Then, there’s the delightful trend of confusion between opinion and fact. Nothing screams “epistemic responsibility” like making sweeping generalizations without any support, relying entirely on gut feelings and assumptions, and then acting as though the rest of us should take them as gospel truth. You might want to look up epistemic justification sometime, but I’ll spare you the effort. I mean, who needs justification when you have unwavering confidence based on zero understanding?
Finally, for those still scratching their heads about epistemology, don't worry—it's only the study of knowledge, how we know what we know, and why we believe what we do. Just in case you were wondering how that all works. But, really, who needs to understand the philosophical underpinnings of knowledge when you’ve mastered the art of knee-jerk reactions and cherry-picking convenient fallacies?
Keep it up, though. It’s always enlightening to witness the beauty of complete intellectual surrender.