>>12436739For what purpose? I mean it's obvious we're not going anywhere and you don't have the power to forcibly remove us. You make a bunch of empty threats and tout around like you've got some world shattering blackmail on most of us but in actuality you're just regurgitating long since dead memes and trying to bullshit your way to a "win".
You know what's the best part? You've never even upset me. I find it ludicrously entertaining. You give out free (you)'s and I get plenty of data on the responsiveness of new propaganda. See what would work and be believed and what wouldn't. Very important to know what mirrors you can move around what smoke and not have a hand in it at all.
You're doing half of my work for me. Really I should be thanking you. The (you)'s are the least I can do. Especially when you just let me mindlessly ramble and you still give me (you)'s.
You're probably not going to read all this so I can bury this pretty well when I say your "grooming" theory is way off. If trannies groom kids for sex then I'm more like that witch in Hansel and Gretel. Nobody is groomed because that implies I wish to have sex with them.
I'm hungry anon. Do you understand? You eat hamburgers and animals all the time. Things that are made of meat. I'm sure you love them. Probably don't think about where they come from or how they're prepared. Did you know that butchers spend years learning 100's of facts about meat and how to properly prepare it before it hits the pan? I have a lot of respect for a well trained and practiced butcher with a good eye for product.
To take cheap meat and turn it into something palpable is a work of art.