No purple pill allowed
1. UFO abductions all around the globe: mutilation, research & experimentation then used meat is dumped back cuz why haul it back home. These injuries are obviously not natural, inflicted neither by bugs or birds or rough blowtorches. These surgically clean circular incisions and burns are performed by alien laser cauterizers and it is clear to me.
>I remember Linda Moulton Howe briefly mentioning human mutilation. She basically said talking about cattle mutilation in public is allowed but talking about human mutilation is how you get suicided.(she's a UFO expert but a possible limited hangout since she's still alive)>Another topicStephen Paddock was a CIA contractor operating in weapon trafficking
>Another topicJonestown was co-organized by the CIA
>Another topicJFK was a handsome puppet who narrowly won presidency through election fraud in corrupt states like Illinois, but then he went rogue. He got coup'd by LBJ, the CIA & the military-industrial complex in general (read: the Fed), with additional help from the Mossad and the Mafia. One of the last of his rogue acts was the Executive Order 11110 which aimed to halt the total departure from the gold standard by reintroducing the so-called "greenbacks." Since then America is formally no longer a democracy
Post more. No dumb incoherent schizo shit. Only logical, total redpills