>>13829044To whom it may concern.
>If you cant go a week of nofap without severe withdrawal symptoms, you are addicted>If you cant go at least a month without fapping you are weak>If you jerk off to porn you have fallen for the jewish psyop>If you jerk off to animals you have fallen for the jewish psyop>If you jerk off to men you have fallen for the jewish psyop>If you jerk off to children you have fallen for the jewish psyopThe jews want nothing more than for you, your culture, and your people to be in a constant paralysis of demoralization, weak docile mindedness, and unproductiveness. Over time your people will become a malleable cattle that no longer has values, virtue, or cultural identity.
They are the ones pushing for LGBT movements, they are the ones secretly embedding pedophilic acceptance in universities, they are the ones controlling the porn industries.
So I ask you this: When are you going to see through it all and finally return yourself to a man, one that reflects the traditional and strong values of your forefathers. When will you stand up for yourself and stop engaging in these jewish mind-traps and start working against the jews who have taken so much away from you?