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hmmmm thats the pic from 7 years ago, from the ancient times of completely different story line.
Ahh it was so simple back then. Well the pic related is very simplified ritual site surrounded by random building or what not. If i remember it correctly the centre was connected to the planet's core, but i don't remember the exact connection. Well the ritual site itself was suppose to open the gate to the underworld from which would come out thousand flying ships, that would rain death upon uhhhh something.
Wait no... I confused it with the other thing...
Lets start from the beginning. The site was suppose to drain the barrier that surrounds the planet(it still does in current version) and ascend that one guy. But as he was doing it he got shot by enemy sniper that had the anti-magic cylinder thing. so the ritual guy turned into mush but as he was dying he directed the last remaining energy to destroy the barrier instead, so that it's energy would rain the apocalypse upon the world instead.
So yea, im not gonna look whether or not i fucked up describing it so there it is.