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Browsing this board I have seen a number of shill threads popping up calling christianity a "kike scheme", or "nonsense to control the goyim" . I am writing this post to point out why that is false, and why you shouldn't listen to these posts.
1. First off, how could a religion that tells us to be virtuous, and embraces traditional morality ever align with the globalist agenda? The bible tells us to act with honor and not to act sinfully. Does this sound like the advice of someone who wishes to manipulate you?
Jesus himself said that "A house divided against itself cannot stand.". What would be the point in the mainstream pushing for a religion that opposes them on nearly every issue?
2. The mainstream media is actively pushing to distance us from Christianity. In Canada, churches were told they could not meet because of the lockdowns! So what these shills are saying is that the globalist cabal opposes Christianity, while also supporting it, which is a blatant contradiction.
Do not listen to these posts which seek to turn you from the grace of our lord, and the unending kindness which he affords to us. These anti-christianity shills hate that jesus loves us all very much, and they wish to defile the faith of christians. Beware of these people, as they will do everything they can do trick and lie to you about christianity.
God loves us all, we just have to have faith in him, and to ask for forgiveness when we do wrong. Please do not be tricked by these hypocritical shills, they are liars!