>>3930543>By the sounds of it you've got the whole world flipped upside down I lold just the opposite my friend. Let me ask you this do you the masses are genius, or is genius the opposite of "normal"? If you believe what everyone around you believes and think what everyone around you thinks, what (((they))) have taught you which one of us do you think has things "backwards"? You sit here on this site and call people "normies" and you are barely anymore aware of the reality of this existence of them if any. Put it this way you know the people you call normies? Multiply that by a 1000 and this how "normie" you are to an ascended master, you simply cannot grasp what we can teach you, you don't know the questions to ask and would not understand the answers anyway, we barely speak the same language you don't even know what words really mean, you don't what anything means, you accepted what is presented to you and it is all lies for a purpose
>>3930549kys kikaroo I am about to give some lessons to these anons