Quoted By:
>domineering mother with inferiority complex over having to leave her "career" to raise children
>absent father because lol its 20XX
>girls favored above boys by majority female teachers
>put on pills because people dont want to deal with your stupid ass
>negroid races favored in college admittance
>majority college students women and blacks because of this
>professors say every wrong in the world is your fault
>drop out, check out, become NEET
>need money, do physical labor bydlo jobs
>get injured, now in chronic pain
>visit pooloo doctor
>he doesnt give a shit about you, proscribes opioids knowing full well you'll be addicted, but who cares fuck wh*tey.
>get addicted, need more
>proscription runs out
>nig nog drug dealer gives you deadly dose of fentanyl because lmao fuck wh*tey