>>21339007A child who bares an uncanny resemblance to one of Noire's colleagues asks if maggot is a slur.
>I'll field that one, Noire. Wouldn't want you inadvertently tacking on even more time to your suspension >Well, little one, whether or not maggot is a slur is all dependent on something called 'context' >If you were to say, 'Nurse Maggie is a maggot' well that would be perfectly acceptable as I am in fact a maggot>But if you were to say, 'My teacher is a maggot' things get a bit trickier >For one, your teacher isn't a maggot, she's, uh... a human maybe?>So we have to ask ourselves WHY we're calling our *cough* lovely teacher a maggot>Are we calling her a maggot because she feeds on necrotic tissue and staves off infection? If so, then maggot isn't being used as a slur>Are we calling her a maggot because the mere sight of her makes us physically ill? That's a slur>Now if you were to say, 'Nurse Maggie is a filthy grubber' then I'd be very cross with you and ask you where you learned such a naughty word >Then I'd find whoever taught you the word, disembowel them, reroute their intestines through their mouth, and force them to subsist on their own faeces until they eventually died of sepsis >Any questions? No? Then I hope you've enjoyed Ms. Noire and Nurse Maggie's presentation on naughty names and why you shouldn't use them