>Our universe is created as a cheap and easy fix over the Kelipot (a dimension of horrors surrounding ours) which is surrounded by the blind serpent of the Zodiachttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theli_(dragon)BTW That's where the Non-Jews/Gentile souls come from.
>The racist nature of the Jewish Kabbalah is illustrated in the chart above, where the lowest realm of emminations on the Sephirotic tree are demonic shells, or non-Jews, called in the Qabalah "kilphoth". However, since corporate Freemasonry is essencially Judaism for Gentiles, the Talmudic distrust and contempt of the "goy", i.e., gentiles, is supplanted in Masonry with a distrust and contempt for 'cowan', i.e., the Masonic term used to describe profane outsiders, or non-Masons who have the audacity to learn about Masonry or intrude into its mysteries. In the most powerful Masonic order, the Scottish Rite, which is sometimes called "the Jewish rite", cowan are sometimes called "gentiles">(01) The chart above is scaned from Ted Pike's book Israel, Our Duty, Our Dilemma. "In Rabbi Adi Steinsaltz's study of the Tanya of Shneur Zalman, the founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch branch of Hasidic Judaism, we read that '...the second soul of the Jew is a part of God above, literally,' while 'The souls of the nations of the world, however, derive from the other impure kelipot (demonic 'shells'), which contain no good whatever, as it is written in Etz Chayyim, Portal 49, ch. 3...'" (Craig Heimbichner, Blood On The Altar, page 87)