If you read the Apocrypha about the Nephilim you will see that Lamech thought his wife was cheating on him with a Watcher when Noah was born because of his angelic appearance (Interestingly, Kabbalists say that Enoch was/became the Angel Metaton/Lesser YHVH, that is, Noah wasn't even Lamech's physical son just as Jesus was not Joseph's son in New Testament), this strange appearance of Noah is associated by Lamech with his grandfather Enoch, who for the Sumerians was the apkallu Utuabzu. Picrel is the appearance of the Wacthers according to the Apocrypha. They are described as tall albinos with dreadlocks, serpentine faces and that wore cloaks made of bird feathers. This book talks more about this and seeks the origin of the Pre-Biblical/Jewish mythology of the Nephilim: