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Animefags are all massive betas who have never talked to an actual woman, let alone had sex with one, which is why they all autistically obsess over depictions of children like Cirno.
They're so retarded and scrambled in the head that the idea of having relations with someone their age is totally impossible, so their last option is to predate on children.
The best case scenario is all of these people just kill themselves, as it would be quickest and least painful for everyone involved. The second best scenario is they spend their entire lives masturbating to loli and hentai depicting five-year-olds, but this isn't exactly good either as it fuels the notion that pedophilic behavior is acceptable.
Worst case scenario is they actually go full DateLine NBC.
Bottom line is that while not all anime enthusiasts are like this, the animefags of /bant/ are all virgins so beta that the only humans they percieve to be of their same level of sexual maturity are children.
/bant/ is overrun with the absolute scum of the earth.
Pic not related.