>>16460249Just look at the druggies
>>16460247, they do DMT and then connect up with demons.
Satan is lord of this realm. But God is our creator and he made us in his image. As I develop these ideas I want you to remember that.
>>16460226Now understand that supposedly, the speed of light c is a *natural* constant and *universal* according to Einstein who shat up a lot of physics (but I digress).
440 cubits is the only number that would be this close to c, 4 digits.
441 cubits gives you 300.477, 439 cubits gives you 299.114. Way off.
Now, before moving on to other stuff on the Earth let's talk about the Earth itself. The Earth is not quite an exact sphere, it bulges out in the middle. In fact, if you look at the pyramid there is a socle at the base and the ratio of the bulge is exactly correspondent to measuring the base of the pyramid with and without the socle.
Nevertheless... the Pyramid is a scale model of the Earth and not a random number of scale. To within 4 decimal points, the scale is 43,200:1. That number is 12*60*60, the number of seconds in half a day. This means the pyramid is a two second hand on the Earth, counting off the time as it spins around itself.
Do you see the weird part now?
The Earth's diameter is related to the speed of light and the degree and that relationship is given in integers relations by the pyramid.
It gets weirder from here.