>>18608762As an additionaI experiment, Demiurge designed and created the humans, which were weak and ineffective by the standards of the other animals. Yet this experimental Mobile had two distinct advantages. It had the ability to ingest and take energy from both plants and animals. Second, he included a "Piece of Himself" (fragmented parts of its soul/consciousness). Following the Rule of Attraction, he knew that such infusion would create in this particular species an unceasing feeling of incompleteness. Always, it would seek to satisfy the attraction this tiny mote of Himself engendered as it sought reunion with the infinite Whole. Thus energy requirements through ingestion would not be the only motivating force. More important, the needs and compulsions created by the Piece of Himself could not be satiated in the physical environment. Thus the conflict between this need and that of energy replacement would be constant, possibly a continuous high-order Loosh emanator if it survived.
This arrangement exceeded all of Demiurge's expectations, a consistent, useful flow of Loosh was being produced in the Garden. The balance of life operated perfectly, with the Conflict Factor producing immense amounts of Loosh, a steady supplement brought into being by the constant life-span terminations from all types of plants and animals.