The followings are median Japanese height and weight.
15-17 years old Japanese male is 170.1 cm 59.7 kg.
18-29 years old Japanese male is 170.3 cm 63.2 kg.
30-49 years old Japanese male is 170.7 cm 68.5 kg.
50-69 years old Japanese male is 166.6 cm 65.3 kg.
15-17 years old Japanese female is 157.7 cm 51.9 kg.
18-29 years old Japanese female is 158.0 cm 50.0 kg.
30-49 years old Japanese female is 158.0 cm 53.1 kg.
50-69 years old Japanese female is 153.5 cm 53.0 kg.
source link is are too obese!