dow jones. stanley poors. kurt russell? what do they all have in common? they made up indexes. in an effort to bolster the wall street profile and reputation of /smg/, i have decided to create a financial index. this index relies on the unproven but generally assumed true claim that all value arises from aesthetics, and the most potent aesthetic of all is cuteness. furthermore it assumes that the marketplace has efficiently allocated capital and thus found the best vessel for monetization and distribution of cuteness is the idol songstress. so, on this auspicious day, 12/13/2024, i present to you the /smg/ magnificent 7
1. taylor swift
2. lana del rey
3. lorde
4. mariah carey
5. selena gomez
6. olivia rodrigo
7. chapell roan
now i know this will stir up some controversy. the various weighting factors themselves are proprietary secrets, but let it be known that "femininity," "sweetness," "popularity," "sassyness," and "height," are all assessed and considered against other core metrics frequently associated with "it-girls." while this index does intend to give some insight into the market, it does not seek to imply that this is the final word or that it represents the exact or precise state of the marketplace.
that being said, let's have a cheer, i think we're entering a new era of significance here.