>>450849805>I am planning on going to church tomorrow.okay, good luck.
what you need is Jesus, not a church. you're looking for an intermediary, someone to talk to God on your behalf. that isn't how it works. the scriptures states that there is ONE MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND (YOU), and that is, the man Jesus Christ. you have to ask him to come into your life, to change you, to make you into what he wants you to be. you have to pray out loud, sincerely and earnestly. you MUST talk to God as if you were talking to a person. just let the words flow man, let it all out, talk to God. he does hear us, it's just that he ignores most of us because what we ask for isn't what he wants for us.
because if you don't believe he is real, and pray to him like he is real, then you're not really going to feel it.