>>10752386>aid in the transition to the GS? Assuming you already have the gold for the transition.Funny you say that. BD indicates, through what I think is code-talk, that we have amassed large stores of gold at area 51, im not buying that they are making it through alchemy, versus its traditional storage facility at Ft. Knox, which is rumoured to be empty, and Tres. Sec Mnuchin is first Treas Sec to visit Ft Knox since 1974, and only 3 Secs have ever visited- seems like a shot across the bow.
What you/we can do? best I can say is buy gold/ silver/ platinum/ precuous metals, physical that you can hide under your mattress, even in small amounts, killing me cause I didnt buy the dip, and cant til im off a project im on. been buying about $20/ week since thats all the disposable income I have atm. The CB is so far off people's radar, but when it becomes a major issurle, i think shit will hit the fan since it is the primary mechanism of the deep state puppetmasters for control and financing of Bad Stuff. Amassing money is one thing, controlling it is another. Have a sense it will take center stage in next 6 months, who knows?