Anonymous (ID: 2AT1XSlH) 08/07/19(Wed)11:49:58 No.8513380
>>8513312It all probably came from /leftypol/
Anonymous (ID: tgaEJkKH) 08/07/19(Wed)11:51:16 No.8513384
Anonymous (ID: di3KO/e+) 08/07/19(Wed)12:02:09 No.8513404
>>8513432 >>8513447>>8513103>suspect reportedly postedWhen he finally exposes the real poster's IP it's gonna be interesting, will it be a casual firebug false flagger who gets dragged in court or a glowing nigger? but more importantly, how many are gonna get sued for smearing the site's name after the truth finally comes out?
Anonymous (ID: 6RFsKiAU) 08/07/19(Wed)12:11:33 No.8513432
>>8513519 >>8513520karla-patriot.jpg (90 KB, 736x389) google yandex iqdb wait
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>>8513404Feel free to send Karla some patriot love. Recently redpilled ex anti Trumper. (embed) (embed)
Anonymous (ID: 6RFsKiAU) 08/07/19(Wed)12:15:29 No.8513447
>>8513458>>8513404Right. We already know that the shooter didn;t upload the manifesto. It was posted on instagram before the shooting, and around 20 minutes after the shooting someone uploaded it to 8ch
Anonymous (ID: 6RFsKiAU) 08/07/19(Wed)12:18:51 No.8513458
26cbc6c23b4b6a173ffcd138b(...).jpg (315 KB, 860x1841) google yandex iqdb wait
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>>8513447What also is interesting is the reaction from 8ch users. Who instantly told the manifesto uploader to go fuck himself or jump from a bridge.
Anonymous (ID: +BruCe4A) 08/07/19(Wed)12:19:20 No.8513461
4.jpg (25 KB, 445x543) google yandex iqdb wait
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i'm not comfy here
Anonymous (ID: +BruCe4A) 08/07/19(Wed)12:20:04 No.8513463
i am bruce
Anonymous (ID: di3KO/e+) 08/07/19(Wed)12:21:12 No.8513519
>>8513432I still remember the "TRUMP IS GOING TO KILL YOUR FAMILY" tweets.
People are way too frigging reactionary.
Anonymous (ID: tgaEJkKH) 08/07/19(Wed)12:21:20 No.8513520
>>8513432 Anonymous (ID: RQpv1dCu) 08/07/19(Wed)12:25:45 No.8513542