>>11737744i'm glad this thread is here
>disseminating information in various places about these sketchy upcoming 'rona vaccines>one particularly naive fellow said that he has no reason to believe the media would lie to him>show him that astrazeneca contains MRC-5(aborted fetal lung tissue) under the name ChAdOx1 >then show him that if you look up "astrazeneca MRC-5" you'll be bombarded with an assload of articles saying it's been deboonked and there's nothing to worry about despite ChAdOx1 literally being front and center on the AZ package>actual literal tranny pipes in and says "they probably hide that because of religious and irrational people who wouldn't take the vaccine and perpetuate the disease if they knew it contained MRC-5, nothing malicious.">>>mfw the world has gone so ass fucking backwards that the people who DON'T want dead baby tissue injected into their bloodstream are considered irrationalGod grant me strength and GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE PLEASE