>>14995542 Chinese i-ching came through meditational practices, it is a library of fundamental archetypes, which are numbers, and it mirrors the structure of DNA in that it goes up to 64, like the base pairs in DNA. They saw a spiritual equivalent to the code of the universe that is reflected in us.
They are pre-established structures in the "Godhead", which gnostics would identify as the pleroma.
and I emphasize unconscious as opposed to conscious. Collective Conscious would be the culture with clearly defined symbols, unconscious would be the hidden forces at play at the spiritual layer which people do not readily identify, but rather come into being in new ways and with novel symbols that aren't necessarily robustly defined.
It's the process of these archetypes manifesting where we can intervene and "create" reality. All of the shadows of the absolute will never live up to the form itself, and is relative to it and mutable.
Therefore the range of possibilities for how they manifest is unlimited, and gives reality a tangible quality where our world view strongly colours what is literally possible. I think that we have deliberately been sheltered into a mental materialistic prison in order for us to be led by the controllers of this planet to their aims. Prometheus and Christ directly liberate us and give us creative power and personal autonomy. Like when the jews declared that it was better one man die for the nation than the nation die for one man. Christ restored the light to humanity.