I've been thinking how my sexual frustration is at the point of mental retardation, even more so now
I just wish I could feel the human warmth under the blankets but I know that's unrealustic and I will die how I lived- alone and sorrowful without ambitions in heart and money in the wallet all because I'm a creep
I never thought about it but everybody wantsd proof of me going to said uni given how I look empoverished and filthy, maybe that's why everybody held distance from me
>>10615666kinda gay, wasted trips, I was hoping for more visuals
I wouldn't even consider suicide if I weren't to post here my leaking instestines on the forest floor
>first check for pirate optionI don't know, diagnosed get half bullied and half taken care of but undiagnosed get sistematicaly ostracised with dragoje becoming a hikki NEET in the last month of his life with his overdose being completely accidental due to tolerance break he forgot about
the point is that everything bad that happens to him is an accident, even his death despite everything being self infilxted and prescribed as a conspiracy
>>10615670depressed and stress, I was right into sweating from euphoria when my dumb sister came home and fucked shit up
in a sense I'm glad my sister got mad for slightly softened bowl that cost 200 hrk, 28 euros, 40 dolars, 50 canadian dollars or about 22 pounds rather than yet anoher failed fleshlight that can't satisfy the needs of my member