>>19679449it's kino. ludo if you would. EMAJUUUUUN IT. QnAanon shows up to Tayleigh's property, she pulls out the draco, and magdumps him/slam-fires him into non-existence. QnAnon is on the ground his life hanging by a thread, but....WHAT'S THIS? A WILD BRanon shows up, he scoops up QnAanon, whispers in his ear "no more tears, only dreams". BRanon through months, and months of support helps QnAnon recover, he brings QnAnon on the back of his Hayabusa. They occasionally take pictures by his electric blue Camaro. They are of course in the nicer part of the favela while this is all transpiring, and QnAanon is recovering from his gun-shot wounds. Eventually BRanon teaches QnAanon how to love again, and QnAanon realizes he doesn't have to be with Tayleigh, to be Tayleigh. Months, and months go by, and QnAanon looks exactly like Tayleigh. Non-stop facial reconstruction surgery to completely match Tayleigh's physiognomy, and QnAanon becomes not Tayleigh, but like Tayleigh. The circle is complete, and the hero's journey ends. It's like poetry.