>>20445428"Wow! Jones, this is incredible! I can't believe we're finally doing this!"
>"Don't blame me. I've been trying to get this interview for months. It's like I've been trapped in a maze of publicists. But what a busy few months you've had. Tell us about it!""Oh, heavens, where do I even begin?"
>"How about Waifus Collide II? That match with Maria Mortensen was something really special.""Absolutely, yes! Maria, or 'Ava' as I know her, is simply wonderful. It's really quite the experience to share the wrestling ring with her. We have a lot in common, you know. Our shared love for this sport we find ourselves in at this time is something that not many others can experience. I know we can tear the flesh from each other, burn the other's hair clean off or straight up try to kill the other and it will be receive in the spirit of friendly competition that is. I... you know, don't know if I have told her directly, but she really is one of my best friends."
>[The crowd 'aww's and Janine holds her hands over her heart again.]"I mean that seriously. I know that when we are told we're going to have to settle our differences, we can each go absolutely full tilt, and it's so freeing to know that there is something like that in my life. We have certainly had some tough moments. In fact, I think many will remember that back-to-back duology the two of us had with"--
>[Janine retches and hurks a glob of thick meat and blood onto the ground, which shrieks and runs away backstage.]"Excuse me, Jones. As I was saying, our two matches with Cass-Cass-Casssssss-Cassandra Kade were also special to me, importantly as that is where I first won my World Championship."