>>5582516We’re “nice” to you only because we have to be. If we’re not, we’ll lose our jobs, be kicked out of schools, or in some cases even go to jail.
But the truth is, that nobody likes you. Not even white leftists who think that diversity is our strength, oh sure they’ll say that racism is terrible and they’ll tweet out #blacklivesmatter, but the truth is that they hate you, probably even more than us proud white supremacists do. You’ll notice that the loudest voices (particularly white voices) speaking up about the benefits of diversity are the ones who live the furthest from it. People who call someone like me a bigoted racist because I don’t want to live in a neighborhood full of shitskin thugs and violence, while they themselves live in 99% white gated communities, and send their kids to expensive private schools JUST to keep their sons and daughters away from people like you. They only defend you because it makes them look like good people, and they’ll only do it as long as it doesn’t inconvenience them in any way. See celebrities who preach refugees welcome, but won’t take a single one into their mansion to live around their kids because they know that all you people do is rape and kill anything you csn get your hands on like the violent animals that you are.
It’s not just blacks though, it’s all shitskins really. Like mexicans, look at all the leftists in 2016 who said “if trump wins I’m moving to Canada!” Notice how NOT ONE said that they would move to Mexico? Now ask yourself why that is. (Hint: nobody wants to be anywhere near younif they’re white)