>>12294679france was facing the same odds as nazi germany against globohome, except that it won
sadly it wasn't a complete victory
the consulate/3d republic (is it considered first or second? anyways, it was technically the third) was the most enlightened place to ever exist, with the best system of laws to ever exist
>reinstated the enslavement of blacks>freed the white europeans>made private property legal and universal>was a strict meritocracy, that worked, with no kinks or issues>removed the titles of the (((nobility))) that they had for thousands of years>removed the powers of the (((catholic church))) that they had for thousands of years>was the most technologically, artistically, and philosophically advanced country to ever exist at the time, literally the highest point humanity had ever reached (and arguably still the highest point)>banned usury>banned jewish central banks>actuall procsecuted and siezed the assets of bankers, unlike hitler>wanted to uniffy all of europe into the earth's sole ruling hyperpower>wanted to conquer the entire planet to make europe's it's rightful rulersalways remember the *nglos and pr*ssians stood against that, funded by the rothschilds, and the world we live in now is the world the english and prussians fought for