>>13024450>Any suggestions on how to manifest positive, peaceful, productive, paradisiacal outcomes?first step is we need to break down the psychic satanic network. they have destroyed civilisation everywhere in time and space. it's all closing now. the last half year was the most turbulent time in history possibly. the world wars, vietnam, middle east wars and the falls and rises of ancient civilisations closed in this time. the top satanics were all in communication with ancient civilisations. they don't talk in the material plane, their view is to be mute in the real world, while manipulating other people in the world trough their flesh magic inside the psyche. we need to break the silence of the psychic world and inter time communication. and then we have to prosecute the crimes they have done in the real world. there are plenty. afterwards we have to isolate the psychopaths so they don't manipulate other spirits from the psyche anymore, i don't know how this could be done, antipsychotics could help, aleister crowley had no final answer, but could help. they are demonic in spirits and subvert consiousness like the flood invades bodies in halo. if we have prosecuted their crimes and put them into jail and psychiatries, we have to map out the material world. everything has to be scanned and everything should be sending messages. psychopaths do evil stuff in the real world, when noone is noticing. when everything is surveiled, they are stuck in stasis, they don't do anything anymore, because criminal behaviour is detected immediately and their operations fall apart. it's unfortune, but this will be part of the future. everyone will see this will be the right decision. there is no privacy in this world, people will soon see. the satanics are everywhere. noone wants satanics everywhere, everyone wants their privacy, but in the eye of their subversive invasion, we have the blindspots of consciousness with good forces.