>>13072025You're not even a "by the books" communist. You're a shitty, delusional, baselessly entitled criminal who parrots propaganda he doesn't understand while advocating for a system which, even in the purest form of lollypop by-the-books communism, will send you to gulag day 1 where you die.
They would likely kill you before that, just lined up against the wall, because they don't want your stupidity to torture the other people in the gulag, just because even though the communists are murdering millions of people in the name of the state, they're not so sadistic as to subject other people to the unsettling degree of stupidity and dysfunctinoal logic which are clearly willing to take to the grave, which I will remind you is likely much, much sooner than you think.
Not for any "killed by government" reasons, just that you're clearly too stupid to keep yourself alive. You will die from the cancer of your own stupidity, not the salty-sweet cock-and-balls of that young stud Papa Trudeau thawpping down on the trigger of an MG40, pulling the trigger with the 100% all-natural fibro-elastic prehensile dolphin penis between his legs as he lines up you "revolutionaries" against the wall to be shot for your "political ideology".
Yes, this is a personal attack, but you fucking deserve it. It is perplexing that you have the ability to parrot these arugments you've heard but have absolutely no ability to comprehend what in the fuck you're saying.
Every line, every argument is a ridiculous non-sequitur of misaligned arguments. Your political philosophy is some Frankenstein monster, bits and pieces of whatever you like, despite none of these pieces working together. It's not a "walking fighting Frankenstein". I apologize for the grotesque image, but this image represents your very confused self-contradicting suicidal political ideology.