>>18979820>>18981017Colby Jefferson's face is flushed with a little more than her exercises at Amy's compliment.
>"Thanks. I've got to get my conditioning up. Just because we're sitting out the B1 doesn't mean we're sitting out. Surfer Girl came over, and we've been getting in a good workout together."Surfer Girl may seem an unusual guest in the Divine Mansion, but Colby has always felt a strong affection and camaraderie for her onetime (and likely future!) tag team rival, and was happy to invite her in for a friendly workout together. She turns to Surfer Girl and waits for a pause, not wanting to interrupt her set.
>"Looking GOOD, Surfs. I'm so excited that you and Emmy are getting back in the mix! Maybe after the B1 we'll have to go another round in tag team action, yeah? ..... I'm gonna take a break and catch up with my sweetie."Looking away from Surfer Girl with a grin, Colby leans in and gives Amy a slightly breathless kiss on the cheek.
>"Of course, I've always got time for you. What've you been up to? And what'd you think of my first Colby's Corner recorded in your studio?"