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The majority of hispanics are white hispanics who generally resemble italians. Whether Italians are white to you is ultimately your own personal tastes, but the reality is that protestant anglo-germanics were a minority in this country 50 years ago and nothing happened. Ultimately the intermarriage rate is such that 1/3 of all hispanic kids are "anglo-hispanic", the white hispanic population grows by 10 million a decade and if they are mixed then each generation is whiter.
The "happening" where all people named rodriguez leave the taco bells and kill whitey will never happen, they will unironically intermarry with white Americans until they are indistinguishable from us.
Future /pol/ will not accept this and you will have stormfriends posting about how the USA is now 49% non-Hispanic white so the happening will kick off any day in 40 years. These anons will then realize they forgot to have white babies, contributing directly to the problem and kys themselves.