After Stacey McTavish accidentally brought home the GJPW World Title following Forbidden Allure, Onigiri soon stole the belt for herself, and declared herself to all who would listen that she was the (REAL) GJPW World Champion. As Onigiri reaches 299 days of this claim, having had enough of Oni’s antics in refusing to return the title, Stacey’s twin sister Samantha has had enough, deciding it’s time to put an end to Oni’s claims and return the title to it’s rightful home! Former Stellar Stars collide in this GJPW World Championship match, with a former GJPW Champion in her own right, Kelly Omega, at ringside to support her ally, the defending Champion, Onigiri.
Will Samantha defeat Onigiri and finally take the title back to GJPW? Or will Onigiri cement herself as The (REAL) Final Star?