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Despite being the second-worst state, Utah gets only a fraction of the hate it deserves.
Here is an abridged list of reasons Utah and everyone associated with Utah can suck a collective dick:
1. The Great Salt Lake is a unique natural phenomenon that got completely shit on by a bunch of retarded Mormons and railroad autists who built a gigantic causeway cutting across it, meaning one half became much more saline over time. Instead of building a bridge to remedy this disaster, they let it worsen to the point where the damage is now clearly visible from space.
2. They went full-Minecraft and built the largest strip mine in the world, which is also visible from space
3. Their flag is horrible and had multiple errors on it for over 100 years. The seal depicts a beehive for some reason, but really, it should probably depict astronauts in disbelief at how many ways you can see Utah's ineptitude while orbiting the earth.
4. Look up "famous people from Utah" and be amazed at how they could have all died in infancy and our lives would've turned out the exact same.
I haven't even mentioned Mormons.
The only redeeming quality about Utah is that they have an In-N-Out Burger, but honestly, I never understood the hype behind that place, and I'm not much of a burger fan anyway, so I'm not swayed much by that either way.