Hey OP here not on my phone so I can write some.
Thanks to everyone with advice i'll try again at making this work for this little part of Telepathy that I haven't learned to control yet. I'll work at it again. Anyone that said "seek professional help". This IS my help and i don't need to pay some unaware idiot, that is going to try and prescribe me anti psychotic pharma drugs for it.
>>15090145Talk it up to me, coach.
I want to respond here. as I am highly developed in dreamspace skills. Anyway there are dream spaces basically. you have your own personal one you can play in and its 100pct private. You can become aware of your dream and go lucid. then you have control over the dream. FULL control. as its 100pct your dream. When you are lucid you can call others into your dream and start a shared dream. you are the God of that shared dream along as your lucidity is the strongest. the more people you call into the dream the less strong your powers as they all contribute to the dream space. you can have a shared dream with 2 people, 3 people, 10 people... Reality is the dream from all people at once. if you get what I mean. Anyway I can keep going for hours but uhm - shared dreams are real. lucid dreams are real. lucidity is a step to astral dream space (collective conciousness). Girlfriend/boyfriends usually have shared dreams a lot together but awareness is low. Eeveryone leaves their body at night to go play in dream spaces. no one is aware. everynoe makes shared dreams all the time NO ONE IS AWARE. be wary of illusion. your girlfriends energy (Actually her) can manifest as your ex-gf character in your dream. meaning. you see your ex but its your current gf. its tricky. TRICKY! anyway.. good luck ... see you in the astral.