>>17136843"Christianity" is a broad term. Kind of like your everyday Jew, your Hasidic Jew, etc.
For example I was raised as Episcopalian. We never did the "confession" or "hail Mary" stuff and we in no way believe the Pope has any power at all.
Once I was old enough that my mother couldn't force me to go to church I stopped. To me, you can believe in God and follow the most basic tenants without having to go to a church.
And look at the 10 commandments. Look at the teachings of "love thy neighbor" and things along those lines. Does Islam teach that? Does Judaism? Yes, the Christian missionaries were brutal fuckwits that saw themselves as being superior to all because "Jesus". But when's the last time someone crashed a jet "in the name of Jesus"? When's the last time a Christian strapped bombs to themselves and blew themselves up in a crowd "in the name of Jesus"? Did Christianity spend hundreds of years infiltrating countries and stealing their money because they're some hook nose shylock bastards? Ney