>>9475857>Fuck off, chefnigger.Third time I met this mutt, the third time's the charm, I guess.
I am Venetian you shit-kicking cowboy, nevertheless I bet my uncircumcised, unjudized cock that there is more Sub-Saharan nigger DNA in the average Yank mutt than in the average Siculo-Neapolitan.
Listen up Billy-Bart-Bubba-Bob Jr. it worked like this:
1) Your grand-grand-grand daddy raped one of his nigger slaves
2) Your grand-grand daddy raped one of his mulatto nigger bitches in inherited
3) Your grand daddy raped one of his octoroon nigger whores from the "family"
4) and then your daddy fucked your mother that finally could pass for white even though she has 1/16 nigger blood.
That's how you Yank mutts have managed to become BOTH inbred and mongrels at the same time.
Have I answered all your questions, you obese, retarded, mutt?