Quoted By:
On Bill attempting to make money by patenting an invention
>"Bill [...] developed a personal and portable sensory deprivation device. It consisted of a pillow and a belt. You wrap the pillow around your head and strap it secure with the belt. Voila, you are now in the neurological netherworld. He was serious. He even talked to a lawyer about patenting the idea."
On Bill's intensity
>"'Bill was constantly in search of the balance between two journeys,' Dwight said. 'He'd go too hard in one direction and counter with a dive in the other but his devotion to both never wavered. On top of that was Bill's impatience [...] with the plodding pace of humanity, impatience with people's lethargic driving, their inane ideologies, impatience at his own spiritual development."
On Bill's letter to his friend about the potential of comedy
>"I think that deep down, under all the facades life presents to people, almost everyone thinks the way we do,' Bill wrote. 'Sanity and basic logic is a large facet of Right and the absolute. And there is a Right. There is sanity in this sick world. Hopefully people need it and more hopefully we can produce it on the screen in the most pure, original and hilarious form possible."