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Took a week long break from 4chan to see if my productivity would increase and my depression decrease. Here's my conclusion;
>just closing browser on phone when out in public/at work lowers temptation to lurk
>lowered temptation of lurking decreases temptation to contribute
>start looking people in eyes more instead of using phone/4chan as distraction to "make self look busy" to avoid interaction
>getting upwards of 3 hours more to get things done at work instead of getting sucked into posting/lurking
>no longer have the misdirection of frustration towards the toxicity of some posters
>now have to directly face my shortcomings
>drinking less
>getting more sleep
>see over $175 increase in weekly paycheck (I get paid both hourly and commission)
Conclusion, 4chan is fun when you're not in a shitty mood, but don't get sucked into looking for (You)'s. It's ultimately not worth it, and very little content on this site is worthwhile or stimulating on a greater level than making you expel air from your nose as if that could replace actual laughter. You guys can AMA if you want, but I'm going to keep my browsing to a minimum, so sorry if I'm slow responding