>>12644256>>12644238I am an anon here going to disagree with both of you and then i am off to the gym, so take the words I am giving with whatever skepticism you deem appropriate.
Both of you do not know how to love as a man loves. The love you feel is drawn from poisoned soil, and you are not noble souls for loving in such a way. A noble souls love is drawn first from virtue and respect and can only flow to those of sufficient character and standing, and loving someone who desecrates themselves with drugs and addiction is not noble nor is it love. It is simply mimicry masquerading as such, habit, or need based from insecurity of oneself projected onto others. It is a cursed empathy, like trying to water desert with blackened oil.
At best, you loved the idea of what your other once was, and pine for it, rather than accepting that it is gone and thus torture yourself needlessly. Such self-torture is not love, and you have become addicted to this feeling because it makes you feel moral (like a flagellant during the Black Death). It is a cursed, poisoned thing and please stop spreading it to others.
True love is born not from weakness but from strength and respect, and can only be accepted by those with enough strength and virtue to be watered by it. Like water feeding a tree. If your love is truly born from strength and respect (and i doubt it is, it is more likely borne from unmitigated empathy) it would never flow to ones like there. You would first encourage strength and virtue, and then love would flow once they have proved themselves worthy.
The holy grail was only given to knights once they proved themselves worthy of the challenge of holding it. It cannot be given otherwise, and your grail (love, respect) cannot be given to your ex-wifes since they no longer are worthy of it. Treat yourselves with some dignity anons.
Pursue strength, then pursue virtue, because virtue cannot be borne from weakness, and strength without virtue is meaningles