Guide for newfags on how to fit in on /bant/ :
1.Sage every thread. Make sure to let everyone know you are saging the thread because you hate the topic, and if anyone points out that's not the correct use of sage, start an argument while insisting you are using sage correctly.
2.Spam image macros, memes and copypasta in every thread. Come up with new forced memes to spam if possible.
3.Make the same thread with the same picture, and no text or discussion value at the same time everyday.
4.Make sure to randomnly ask other people "wich banter wud u fuk"
5.Use a tripcode, the more obnoxious the better
6.Repeatedly claim to be an oldfag and that /bant/ was "better in the old days"
7.Constantly express your hatred for the janitors, mods and gookmoot while claiming to have top secret information on who they are and what they do in their personal lives.
8.Go into every thread and tell everyone to go back to /pol/ and /int/
9.Randomly tell people made up stories about how autistic you are, preferably while hijacking an existing discussion
10.Post pictures of gay pornstars, pretend to be the person in the picture and ask whether anyone wants to suck your cock
11.Make blog threads everyday, telling people what you had for your last meal or what you did in the last hour.
12.Make threads crying about how you will never have more than 2 dicks in you at the same time.
13.Start arguments over whether something is considered "/bant/ culture" or not.
14.Don't stop spacing your paragraphs like so, but also make sure to tell everyone they are reddit spacing.
15.Call everyone a tranny then in the very next thread pretend to be a tranny.
16.Nothing fucking matters at the end of the day because mods will fulfill all your gay fantasies at once, and leave your ass gaping