>>21684222Aaand of course the gay Jew with Italian flag can not answer a single question regarding Italy and instead posts fake data by a fellow Jew, trying to smear Christianity as majority brown and female oriented, pic related. As if you rabid anti-Christian Jew couldn't be more dishonest and pathetic.
Jew Zuckerman used the same method to push atheism hard years ago. When he found a nation he liked, like Sweden, he used polls claiming that if a Swede did not go church every week, despite calling himself a Christian, and despite less than 10% of Swedes called themselves, atheists, he classified them [even though they were Christian] as atheists and pushed that Sweden was filled with 90% raging anti-Christian atheists. However, for a nation he disliked, like the officially atheist state of China, he used polls showing that the slightest interest in horoscopes etc, then you were not an atheist, so according to atheist Jew Zuckerman, there were hardly any atheists in godless China. This is how moronic and intellectually bankrupt our Judeo-Masonic academia and science are. That supposed White nationalists are embracing these Jewish slimy methods and pushing it hard on /pol/ is beyond pathetic.