>>19786920>Favorite contestantTJ and Tay. I liked them both equally. By the end I was rooting a little more for TJ but I also thought Tay did the most to win.
>Favorite freeloaderAbi. She was kinda insane, pretty funny and chaotic. Without her there is no Jimmy sperg out and schizo Tay. Granted that although she is my favourite, Frank, Fatty, Dunyey and Oliver added more and were more integral to the show.
>Favorite show momentHonestly, all of the final day. I was pretty emotional by the end of it all.
>Least favorite contestantMeg.
>Least favorite momentWhen Tay was hassled to the point of pulling scissors on Frank. When it comes to tormenting people psychologically, it can be really fun and nerve wrecking to watch, that's what Frank is there for, but it can also get to the point where it starts to feel too much and you begin to wonder if it's okay to push these young, spergy kids to those extremes. It's a blurry line and I dont blame production but yeah that whole day was kinda hard to watch.