>>10049453Every desire can adapt and conform to what it is you need to be content. Your desires will change per your situation and propel you to chase said desires. If you are truly taking action to not only discern but understand your desires then you will realize there's no hurdle that can stop you from achieving your desire. You may discover on the way to said desire that it wasn't what you had wanted for the long term. It might have only been a fleeting fancy. None of these situations warrant admitting defeat and succumbing to coping. We may have to reconfigure our desires but to completely abandon them to cope is admitting you're too afraid to smash through the walls life puts in front of you. Fear is the beast that forces up to cope by turning our perception bleak. To those who say they can't attain their desires I say to them rebalance your desires with reason and emotion and you will find the strength to continue to chase. We all get exhausted but we can't give up.
>that's exactly when my sun rises.Then I will leave you with that final response and retire to my day form. I've enjoyed this time with you as such I'll attempt to demystify some of my desire. Enjoy your day and always follow your desires no matter the cost.