We can stop White Terrorism before it spreads further!
Watch the video, America is on our side!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE0iQ8e3QeE Here’s the toolkit to combat White Nationalism:
https://www.pps.net/cms/lib/OR01913224/Centricity/Domain/4/ConfrontingWhiteNationalisminSchoolsToolkit.pdfOur fight becomes stronger as the Dept. of Homeland Security Names White Supremacy a Domestic Terrorist Threat!
https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/homeland-security-white-supremacy-domestic-terrorism-threat-888748/The cause to Abolish Whiteness has never been stronger!
https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/abolishing-whiteness-urgent-191117153149028.htmlWe can put an end to this evil hate before it starts!
> There's been an unprecedented spike in white supremacist activity on campuses across the U.S. since the election and college students and administrators are struggling to figure out how to respond.> Kelly McEvers reports on how teachers are coping with an increase in white nationalist incidents. And just a warning - this story contains reporting on racist and bigoted language and ideas.> All ideologies are not equal. They do not deserve equal airtime, and they do not deserve equal protection. I believe in free speech. I love free speech. However, speech that threatens violence, speech that advocates expulsion or extermination of groups of people is not protected in our school communitiesFour more great articles to read!