>>15642077Well, I feel like it depends. I don't think all cases of it should be punished equally. Lets say, a couple of 18 year old that were caught with weed, they shouldn't get the same treatment as someone caught selling hard drugs.
I thought about it a bunch, wrote a few text walls and deleted them. You can really easily make a sense of how it should be decided if the punishment is to be given, but, the hard part for me, is what the punishment should be, along with the outcome it'll have.
Thing is, it's all going off the current system, which is already really flawed. Prison doesn't rehabilitate anybody needing it, or at least a very little percent, and only makes most of those people come back out even worse and more dangerous than they were before, while at the same time needing a lot of money burnt to keep the prisons they're in running. It doesn't really do anything other than cause more suffering. I don't see that much of a difference in sticking people in hellholes for a good part of their life, to simply killing them. It seems to me like ending their life anyhow, but with more steps involved. Even when they do get out, they'll come out a shell of a person that can never fit back in, who will most likely just cause harm. I suppose that's talking in the sense of longer sentences, but shorter ones are also not something that works, because they'll not be long enough to change a person and stop them from doing again what they did, and at the same time, even just a year taken away from a person is a big enough blow, that will make them very bitter. They will more likely than not come out intending to do drugs again. Worse things too, even.
I think drug use is just something that can't properly be done something about, until the root of the problem, which is the massive distribution, is dealt with.
Part 1, I guess.