>>10853609sone are but a lot are not as I still hold to the idea that I act childidh because I never had a childhood to begin with
avoid what?
hebe- as in hebephile; age range of pubescent girls aged 8 to 14; peak hebe is just peak pubescent girl
rule 34 is rule 34 for a reason
>there are do many topics simon said that frankly you just have to watch, business blaze is the more casual channel whereas others are more infographic in nature (today I found out also goes deep in the facts)I don'f trust people, I can feel them sharpening their daggers behind me awaiting my ides of march, I'm afraid of tsking big steps as some people will do anything just to watch me fall
>headcannknsome things might stay impossible though, at some point stem cells are more lucrative busniess as they can be used to manufacture the rest of the body with thd brain being simply inserted back, though that aswell seems rather dubious
>easy to readon topic of breasts yes, I made no claims on other topics
I considered the possibility but cannot follow thriugh with it, fact is I don't tend to fail stuff I believe based on facts that I will succeed, and just as much I don't tend to succeed at things I think my failure is imminent based kn other facts
true, I sometimes get it wring, but if anything it paints a picture that I actually aim precisely at my fate anc my fate has been a doenward spiral for a long long time (such a long time)
>sistersthe gross amounz of anime I consumed makes it very clear the "sister" is illustrous "neesan" that doesn't imply blood relation (except nagato and that other ship, those are clearly related)+ theres clearly lesbian sparks left and right